RPA Electronics has part number TSR12-204 in stock and ready to ship. Call 800-279-5904 to order this part today!


Part Number: TSR12-204 Description: Strain Relief Backshell Cable Diameter .230/.260 Used on Cryogenic Freezers and other applications. Manufacturer: Thorkom/Viking Image (if available):   Check available […]

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RPA Electronics has part number DP100-AU in stock and ready to ship. Call 800-279-5904 to order this part today!


Part Number: DP100-AU Description: DP100-AU Contact Dip Solder accepts 22-26 AWG wire. Used on Marine Navigation Systems and other applications. Manufacturer: Eaton Image (if available): […]

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RPA Electronics has part number 000101-0172 in stock and ready to ship. Call 800-279-5904 to order this part today!


Part Number: 000101-0172 Description: Circular connector. Used on Boeing 737s and in other applications. Manufacturer: Eaton Image (if available):             […]

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TSR07-201 - Backshell, 7 POS. S/RELIEF


Part Number: TSR12-216 Description:  Backshell, 12 POS. S/RELIEF Manufacturer: Thorkom/Viking Image (if available):   Check available inventory for TSR12-216 using our Part Search. Add TSR12-216 […]

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TSR07-201 - Backshell, 7 POS. S/RELIEF


Part Number: TSR12-215 Description:  Backshell, 12 POS. S/RELIEF Manufacturer: Thorkom/Viking Image (if available):   Check available inventory for TSR12-215 using our Part Search. Add TSR12-215 […]

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TSR07-201 - Backshell, 7 POS. S/RELIEF


Part Number: TSR12-214 Description:  Backshell, 12 POS. S/RELIEF Manufacturer: Thorkom/Viking Image (if available):   Check available inventory for TSR12-214 using our Part Search. Add TSR12-214 […]

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TSR07-201 - Backshell, 7 POS. S/RELIEF


Part Number: TSR12-206 Description:  Backshell, 12 POS. S/RELIEF Manufacturer: Thorkom/Viking Image (if available):   Check available inventory for TSR12-206 using our Part Search. Add TSR12-206 […]

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TSR07-201 - Backshell, 7 POS. S/RELIEF


Part Number: TSR07-213 Description:  Backshell, 7 POS. S/RELIEF Manufacturer: Thorkom/Viking Image (if available): Check available inventory for TSR07-213 using our Part Search. Add TSR07-213 to […]

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RPA Electronics has part number TSR07-212 in stock and ready to ship. Call 800-279-5904 to order this part today!


Part Number: TSR07-212 Description:  Backshell, 7 POS. S/RELIEF. TSR07-212 Strain Relief Backshell cable diameter .190/.220 Used in Marine Navigation electronics and other applications. Manufacturer: Thorkom/Viking […]

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